Facility Rental
From life events to public rentals
From the time The Scarsdale Congregational Church first moved to its current location close to 100 years ago, it has served as both a hub for church activities and an active community center. This tradition continues to this day with various non-profit, educational, and civic organizations renting space at SCC. Life events are celebrated at SCC. We will gladly assist you with scheduling a baptism, wedding or funeral.
We offer space suitable for classrooms, offices, meetings, and celebrations in a central Scarsdale location, easily accessible to public transportation with plenty of convenient parking. If you would like more information about renting a room at our facility, please contact the Church Office & Property Manager, Jamie Nolan at (914) 723-2111 ext. 202.
Other facilities-related information:
Facilities Reservation Form ("Blue Sheet") for both member meetings and non-member rentals and meeting reservations.
Washburn Memory Garden
The Phillip and Nancy Washburn Memory Garden is next to the Sanctuary and serves as a columbarium and a memorial site for people buried elsewhere. The space is available for various church activities and celebrations.
Discover SCC’s Rich History
Become familiar with our buildings and grounds and vibrant church community as you read SCC's history.