Music is essential to the life of The Scarsdale Congregational Church.
The voices and talents of our organist, Chancel Choir and congregation along with our marvelous Austin pipe organ and Steinway Concert Grand piano are the means through which we seek to engage in the joys of musical expression.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir sings each Sunday from September through May, with additional music provided on special occasions (watch the video above of the SCC choir at Palm Sunday Service.). The choir consists of four professionally trained section leaders and volunteer church members. Membership in the choir is open to all who love to sing, from teenagers to adults. Please contact Sandro Russo, our Music Director, and Organist, to learn more about joining the choir.
Children’s Music
Our Children's Music Program offers children who participate in church school, Pre-K-7th grade, an opportunity to share their musical gifts with the congregation. The children prepare a Christmas pageant with a music offering on Christmas Eve and prepare "Church School Sunday" celebratory music in the Spring. On Family Worship Sundays (the first Sunday of each month) children may choose to participate in music during service (vocal solo, small group ensemble, instrumental). If you'd like to know more about the children's music activities, please contact Anne Conneely for more information.
Organ Music
The Scarsdale Congregational Church is particularly proud and fond of its wondrous three-manual Austin organ, which has an interesting history. (For organ aficionados, here is detailed information about the organ's specifications.)
For recent video performances on our Austin pipe organ, please visit the YouTube channel "SCC Music Director" and subscribe for new uploads.