Sunday Worship
Sunday morning worship is Scarsdale Congregational Church’s core spiritual practice.
Although worship explores new ways to encounter God each week, there is also consistency in our format. Each service includes a time with children, passing of the peace, joys, and concerns, scripture readings, prayers, the sermon and anthems, hymns, and organ or piano pieces in addition to other forms of liturgy and music. Our Choir participates from September until May and during the summer months, we offer additional special music.
We attempt to be broad and inclusive in language and liturgy; as well as in music and word. Our weekly services are traditional yet warm, and progressive yet grounded. Our practice is to have an Intergenerational Family Worship on the first Sunday of each month during which we celebrate Communion. Our table is open to all.
Baptism is celebrated when requested as part of Sunday worship. To learn more about baptism or other Life Events at SCC, please contact us.
Our weekly Sunday worship is at 10:00 am. Special services for the Christmas and Easter holidays are structured with both an early children’s service and a later, more traditional service. All are warmly welcomed to our open and affirming, community-based, justice-oriented church.