Book Group Starting January 8th!

"The Possibility Principle: How Quantum Physics Can Improve the Way You Think, Live, and Love"

Rev Kelly and Susan Gannon will be starting a new Book Group on Monday, January 8th at 7:00pm on zoom. 

The book is the Possibility Principle: How Quantum Physics Can Improve the Way You Think, Live and Love by Mel Schwartz. 

He distills the basic premises of quantum physics into an empowering and practical system for transcending limitations and an opening to infinite possibilities. By using 3 tenets of quantum physics: inseparability, potentiality, and uncertainty, he shows us how we can overcome difficulties and live our fullest potential as long as we can challenge our operating beliefs. We will get a real bonus as the author will be attending our first session on January 8. 

You can get the book on Amazon for $9.29. In order to get a preview of book, you can watch this:

Please RSVP or send any questions to:

Susan Gannon at or  914-329-4971. 

We hope you will take advantage of this exciting opportunity. 


Way to go YAC!


Youth Action Committee (YAC) Sunbucks Cafe Fun(draiser)