RSVP Sunday, October 1st - Jubilee Kick-Off

Please mark your calendar for Sunday, October 1st, as it is the kick-off of SCC’s Jubilee year, as we start the 100 year celebration!!

Please RSVP HERE in the google sheet AND sign up to bring a dessert or salad, if you would like to contribute.

We need a headcount to determine how many meatballs to make!!

  • Interested in making meatballs and sauce earlier that week, please reach out to me so I can get you on my list! 

  • Sign-up for donations of salads and desserts!  (coming soon)

We will be celebrating World Wide Communion and the start of a new confirmation class, and Parish Life is hosting a Spaghetti Dinner which will start at 4:00pm. 

Any thoughts or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Claire Steinrock 

Parish Life- chair


Donate to the SCC Fair


Host Coffee Hour