
January 17, 1921: A Building Committee is appointed to make plans for a new building. Membership in the Church is 307 people. The need for a larger space has become urgent. But funds are insufficient to permit the completion of the entire building program. On the principle that a church should endeavor to serve its community, the congregation votes to construct an assembly hall first and a sanctuary second. The cornerstone of the Assembly Hall is laid on December 18, 1921.

June 11, 1922: The last service is held in The Little Stone Church, after which it is demolished to make room for the Assembly Hall which is dedicated on October 29 with Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick taking part in the dedicatory services. Cost of the hall is estimated at $125,000.

August 26, 1923: While on vacation in Maine, Rev. Dyckman collapses and dies as he steps off his little boat. On September 23 the Assembly Hall is re-named “Dyckman Hall”.

December 3, 1923: Church member John W. Dickinson establishes a $50,000 trust fund “only for construction of a building in which would be a sanctuary”.

January 6, 1924: Rev. Theodore Merrell Shipherd begins his pastorate.

October 22, 1924: The Scarsdale congregation is formed as a separate church and a Constitution and Bylaws are adopted. 410 names are transferred from the Westchester Church.

February 7, 1926: The Board of Offers authorizes a Planning Committee to secure preliminary sketches for a building with 500-600 seats for worship and facilities for a Sunday School of 1,000 children.

October 28, 1928: The Women’s Auxiliary is organized.

January 13, 1929: Dr. Shipherd reads a letter stating he wishes to be released as of July 1, 1929.

November 6, 1929: The Search Committee unanimously recommends calling Rev. Edward Chadbourne Boynton as pastor beginning January 1, 1930.



