
July 13, 1931: In a special corporate meeting the congregation votes to purchase, for approximately $65,000, 5.76 acres of land on the southerly side of Heathcote Road at Sherbrooke Road with plans to build a sanctuary.

June 22, 1932: The Board of Officers votes to hire architects Delano and Aldrich for $1,900 to sketch a church building costing $125,000 and seating 600. Plans are soon halted by the Depression.

September 25, 1932: John W. Dickinson dies, leaving the church the $50,000 trust fund, an organ, and a Steinway grand piano (now in the Sanctuary).

October 11, 1933: Trustee Chair Warren Cunningham states the church is behind in payment of salaries of ministers and other items.

December 1, 1935: Warren Cunningham reports the church has used the interest from the Dickinson Fund to meet church expenses for the last two years. He hopes 1935 will be the low point for church expenses.

January 20, 1937: The Treasurer reports a 1936 surplus of $218.99.

May 18, 1938: The Board of Officers notes the Church School has voted to support all its missionary projects and has sent 22 suitcases of clothing, toys, and books to hospitals in Spain’s war areas.

June 27, 1938: The Trustees send a letter to the Sherbrooke Road mortgage holder outlining the difficulties in meeting the interest payments and in trying to sell the property. The mortgage holder agrees to an extension for two years with the understanding that a serious effort will be made to make a favorable sale of the property.



