
May 20, 1941: With the merger of the Women’s Service Society and the Auxiliary, the women choose “Congregational Guild” as the name for the new organization and select Mrs. Edward C. (Charlotte) Boynton as its president.

December 1941: The Church begins recording those serving in World War II. The final record: 153 served, six killed.

December 27, 1942: The Bulletin notes “In these gasless days, many may find it convenient to send their children to Church School by bus and to come by bus themselves.”

September 2, 1945: Rev. Boynton writes “Thank God! A terrible and ominous period of the world’s agony came to an end.”

Easter Sunday, April 21, 1946: Announcement: “The sale of the Sherbrook property has been concluded and the final payment made to the church. The church is now cleared of its debts.”

June 16, 1946: Trustee Chair William Archibald reports $65,210 (including $54,500 from the Dickinson Fund) is available for building a new sanctuary. Rev. Boynton says “Press on!”

Election Day 1947: The Church holds its first “Bazaar Day” netting $3,700 to fund the new sanctuary.

March 22, 1948: The congregation votes 85 for, 42 against, and 1 void ballot to join the United Church of Christ if said union is formed.

June 14, 1948: Rev. Boynton announces he will retire at age 65.

Early 1949: The church acquires property adjacent to and north of Dyckman Hall.



