
February 5, 1961: Bulletin Report of the Annual Meeting: “By a teller vote of 168 to 1, the constitution of the United Church of Christ is approved.”

December 18, 1961: Archibald and Kathleen Seymour transfer 47 Woods Lane to the Church for $100.

September 23, 1962: Rev. Boynton gives the closing prayer at the farewell reception for Howard Stone and Marlow Anderson. Dr. Anderson is leaving to be the Minister and Superintendent of the Congregational Conference of Southern California and the Southwest. Rev. Boynton is available for parish calls Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.

June 2, 1963: In a special corporate meeting the congregation calls Rev. Avery Denison Post as Minister. He is currently serving the Garden City Community Church. He will live in the manse at 47 Woods Lane.

November 12, 1963: Bruce Angell, President and Tonal Director of Angell Organs, discusses and demonstrates the new organ with its 45 ranks of 2,549 pipes.

May 30, 1964: 34 Harlem students tutored by the Senior Youth Fellowship (SYF) come to Scarsdale as guests of their “teachers”.

June 22, 1964: In a special corporate meeting the congregation approves transformation of the manse at 1 Heathcote Road into offices for ministers and secretaries.

June 28, 1964: Rev. and Mrs. Walter S. Ryan, the new Associate Minister and his wife, are honored in a reception. With sons David and Peter, they will live in the manse purchased earlier this year at 16 Drake Road.

January 27, 1965: The Annual Meeting affirms the October 14, 1963 Church Council resolution that the Church stands firmly on the principle of a non-segregated church in a non- segregated community.

April 4, 1965: The Bulletin notes “we recently had one of the first Sunday coffee hours”.

September 11, 1966: In the Bulletin is a Pastoral Letter from Rev. Post which notes “The nation is at war. There is civil strife in the land. Our leaders need our prayerful support...which includes the precious right of dissent.”

October 1, 1967: The Scarsdale Synagogue breaks ground for a new temple after six years of meeting in Cunningham Chapel.

October 18, 1969: Avery D. Post is elected Minister and President of the Massachusetts Conference, UCC, effective January 1, 1970. In 1977 he is elected President of the UCC.



