
March 24, 1991: Church School children prepare props for the 9:30 AM Easter Service in which the story of Easter will be illustrated by the children as it is told.

March 15, 1992: Worship & Music announces the Hymns, Psalms and Spiritual Songs hymnal produced by the Presbyterian Church will soon be available to supplement the Pilgrim Hymnal. Congregants are invited to purchase one or more copies for church use.

April 26, 1992: The Search Committee announces with joy and excitement its recommendation to call Elizabeth Gombach as our new part-time Associate Minister.

June 5, 1994: Bulletin Notice: “All who signed the Stop Gun Violence petitions on May 15 will be interested to know the UCC has urged Congress to ban semi-automatic assault weapons.”

July 3, 1994: The sparkling new playground for two-year-olds is ready.

July 2, 1995: Andy Klemmer announces the SCC joined forces with the First Congregational Church of Chappaqua and volunteers from Texaco to rehabilitate a house in Pleasantville under the auspices of AmeriCares Homefront. 35 worked on April 29, 45 on May 6.

July 16, 1996: The General Board recommends we allow the Omni Corporation to install a cellular telephone relay antenna near Drake Road in our parking lot. Income for the lease would be $12,000/year with annual increases.

August 4, 1996: In memory of Charles Taubert, his family is building a brick courtyard entrance to the Parish House.

August 18, 1996: Congregants participate in a Midnight Run breakfast, gathering at 6:30 AM and returning about 10 AM.

January 26, 1997: The Confirmation Class collects $262 as part of the nation-wide Souper Bowl Sunday.

July 6, 1997: A new closed-circuit TV is now available in the newly repainted and air conditioned Archibald Room where parents with infants may view and hear Sunday worship. The system was made possible by gifts in memory of George Farnham and an additional gift from Connie Farnham. In May 1998 Ruth Mackey and her daughter Barbara fund the renovations of a new Choir Room in memory of Ruth’s husband Tom.

February 7, 1999: The Church School, through the Adopt-A-Child Program with the Christian Children’s Fund, adopts Abdulie Gibba, a disabled boy in The Gambia. Children are asked to bring $1 of earned money one time a month.

April 17, 1999: We gather in Dyckman Hall to celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of our church’s charter. On Sunday Rev. George Calvert delivers the anniversary sermon.

May 16, 1999: SCC- UCC.org is launched.

December 31, 1999: Beginning at 11:30 PM we gather for a quiet, unprogrammed time. At midnight we ring the church bell to welcome the new century.



