
September 14, 1980: Gary Brown preaches his farewell sermon and meets with the Senior

Youth Fellowship. Gary accepts a call to the First Congregational Church in Stamford CT. May 24, 1981: The new playground between the Sanctuary and the Parish House is dedicated.

September 22, 1981: In a special corporate meeting the congregation votes to sell 16 Drake with the proceeds to go into a special fund to be used for housing allowances and other remuneration for ministers.

November 8, 1981: The General Board announces with regret the resignation of Dr. Roger William Johnson and gratefully acknowledges his eleven years of dedicated service to this church and the community.

January 31, 1982: In a special corporate meeting, Dr. Kenneth Stephens is called to be Minister-Teacher starting April 15. He serves until October 1984 when he accepts a call to the Keystone Congregational Church in Seattle WA.

February 14, 1982: In a Bulletin notice Lois Seulowitz announces that working women of the church are invited to fellowship at a potluck dinner to explore matters of particular interest. (This group becomes “Women Unlimited”.)

April 13, 1983: In a corporate meeting Rev. Phillip Seely Washburn is called as Minister- Pastor effective July 1.

December 24, 1984: The 5 PM service is an informal service oriented entirely to our younger children who are invited to help tell the Christmas story and to help create a Christmas tableau on the spot.

June 29, 1986: In a corporate meeting Rev. Leslye Noyes Faithful is called as Associate Minister effective July 7. She serves until June 1991.

November 30, 1986: A COMPAQ 286 computer arrives in the church office.

October 4, 1987: Announcement: “The church will join with 15 other houses of worship to provide space for the rotating shelter program organized by SHeltering the HOmeless is our REsponsibility (SHORE).”

August 27, 1989: The Nursery School is ready to launch a new program for two-year-olds. It will meet Mondays and Wednesday from 9:15 to 11:15 AM.

December 3, 1989: Bringing In Christmas is celebrated in Dyckman Hall. The entrance fee is a Christmas gift for those in hospitals, neglected children, the lonely, aged or emotionally ill.



